Smile,laugh and enjoy

Smile,laugh and enjoy
Life is worth living

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


  1. Describe the elephant.Tell about this elephant.
  2. what is this? An elephant.
  3. Is it big or small? big
  4. Where is it standing? in the ditch ,in water.
  5. How many eyes does it have? two
  6. How many heads does it have? one
  7. How many tusks does it have? two
  8. How many trunks does it have? only one
  9. How many tails has it? only one
  10. Is it a long one or a short one? a short one.
  11. How many ears does it have? two
  12. How are its ears? big and broad
  13. Why does it always fan its ears? to feel cool
  14. Where can you see an elephant? in the forests, in the zoos and in the temples .
  15. who is the trainer and keeper of the elephant? mahout
  17. What are the differences between an African and as Asian elephant?
  19. How many legs does it have? four
  20. How are they? They are like four pillars.

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