Smile,laugh and enjoy

Smile,laugh and enjoy
Life is worth living

Friday, August 29, 2014

India post financial services

  2. Why not our Present Govt. issue 15 years bearer bonds in denominations of RS.100/200/250/500/1000/2000/2500/5000/10000
  3. which can be  transferred from person to person by delivery
  4. Doubling in 15 years payable to the bearer 
  5. with an additional premium of 10 percent of the face value to the holder of the bond on maturity.
  6. This will bring in all the unaccounted cash which we call
  7. as Black Money.
  8. These proceeds can be utilized for all round development of all public projects.
  9. If not feasible or practical can someone give me the valid reasons??????
  10. Thanks a lot. a lover of India.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Migrant Bird Famida.Y.Basheer

  1. The globe's  my world. The cloud's my kin
  2. I care not where the skies begin;
  3. I spread my wings through all the din;
  4. Through fears and fright I fly my flight.
  5. No walls for me,no vigil gates,
  6. No flags, no machine guns that blast
  7. Citizens of those border states-
  8. Brothers of her brother' s sons.
  9. No maps, no boundaries to block
  10. My sojourn into unknown lands.
  11. I spawn and splash in distant spills,
  12. I breed my brood where'r I will,
  13. I won't look down. No I will not.
  14. With speed of my wings I hasten past
  15. And close my eyes against the sun
  16. To dream my dreams and make them last.
  17. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  18. Din: loud,unpleasant , repeated noise
  19. Vigil: watchfulness, keeping awake when one should sleep.
  20. Sojourn : Camp, stay for a short time
  21. Breed: yield, produce
  22. Brood: flock
  23. Last. remain
  24. xxxxxxxxxx

go to infoplease

Saturday, August 23, 2014

know these about world

  1. Solar system:
  2. Planets and the Sun.
  3. Mercury.Venus.Earth. Mars. Saturn. Jupiter. Uranus. Neptune.
  4. The above planets go round the Sun in their own time.
  5. Orbit: Path of planet around Sun.
  6. Sun is a star.
  7. Stars are huge balls of very hot gases.
  8. Stars twinkle at night.
  9. Planets have no light of their own.can be seen only when the sunlight falls on them.
  10. Find out planet closest to the Sun,the largest planet and smallest planet, coldest planet etc. in your spare time.
  11. Orbit: Mercury travelling round the Sun 88 days
  12. Earth 365 1/4 days Neptune 164 years.
  13. Rotation:Earth rotates on its own axis .
  14. Revolution: Movement of the planets going round the Sun.
  15. Mercury and Venus hottest planets.because very near sun
  16. Uranus .Neptune coldest planets.far from the Sun.
  17. Earth: The ONLY planet getting correct amount of heat and light which makes life possible.
  18. Pluto,(1930) Dwarf Planet.
  19. Satellites: Smaller bodies moving in the orbit around the planet.
  20. Saturn: 47 satellites.
  21. Mercury/Venus -none
  22. Earth. Only one satellite.....MOON.
  23. Satellites . No light of their own, can be seen only when the
  24. Sunlight falls on them.
  25. Moon: Two fortnights. Sukla waxing Krishna waning 
  26. Sukla /Krishna Paksha
  27. Full moon.New moon.
  28. Moon takes 28 days to travel around the earth.
  29. When it comes between earth and Sun is it a full moon or a new moon??
  30. Full face is seen then it is Full moon.
  31. The Sun's light falls on the moon and reflects.
  32. Moon seems to keep changing its shape due to light falling
  33. on different parts of the moon
  34. you can see a crescent shape too.
  35. These are called the phases of the moon.
  36. Man made satellites help him for communication and
  37. forecasting and for scientific experiments.
  38. Planets and Satellites have no light of their own.
  39. Atlas: At last you have come to know what is an Atlas.
  40. It is a book of maps.
  41. Oceans are depicted in Blue colour.
  44. Oceans: large bodies of water. so also Seas.
  45. large bodies of land. is a Continent.
  46. Some oceans: Pacific/ Atlantic/Indian/ Arctic
  47. Continents: North America, South America, Africa,
  48. Europe, Australia and Asia  And Antarctica .(7)
  51. Islands: Sri lanka/ Australia.
  52. Island continent: Australia.
  53. Earth/land  is less than water.Water is more than land area.
  54. Physical features : Rivers. hills, valleys, plains, plateau/x
  55. mountains.
  56. Mountains are shown in Brown colour.
  59. Where  are the Himalayas? In India or South America?
  60. Where are the Andes? In South America or Europe?
  61. Where are the Rockies? In North america or India?
  62. Where are the Alps? In Europe or In India?
  63. Deserts;
  65. Sahara in Africa.Great Victoria in Australia.Arabian desert.IraqJordanKuwaitOmanQatarSaudi ArabiaUnited Arab Emirates andYemen
  66. Gobi desert.China and Mongolia
  67. Thar DesertIndia and Pakistan
  70. Rivers:
  71. -
  73. Nile/Africa: Amazon/America: Yangtze/ China Mississippi.Missouri/America Huang he.yellow river/China
  75. countries in North America : United States of America,
  76. Canada,Mexico,Guatemala
  77. countries in Europe: France/ Germany/ United Kingdom/Spain.
  80. Egypt/Sudan/ South Africa/ Nigeria
  82. Afghanistan/ Japan/ China /Iran/ India
  84. Hwang ho( yellow river)
  86. Murrumbidgee River  Murray River   Flinders River

Friday, August 22, 2014

Going For Water Robert Frost's poem

  1. The well was dry beside the door,
  2. And so we went with pail and can
  3. Across  the fields behind the house
  4. To seek the brook if still it ran;
  5. Not loth to have excuse to go,
  6. Because the autumn eve was fair
  7. (Though chill), because the fields were ours,
  8. And by the brook our woods were there.
  9. We ran as if to meet the moon
  10. That slowly dawned behind the trees,
  11. The barren boughs  without the leaves,
  12. Without the birds, without the breeze.
  13. But once within the wood,we paused
  14. Like gnomes that hid us from the moon,
  15. Ready to run to hiding new
  16. With laughter when she found us soon.
  17. Each laid on other  a staying hand
  18. To listen ere we dared to look,
  19. And in the hush we joined to make
  20. We heard,we knew, we heard the brook.
  21. A note as  from a single place,
  22. A slender tinkling fall that made
  23. Now drops that floated on the pool
  24. Like pearls , and now a silver blade.
  25. rhyming words:
  26. can/ran,fair/there/ trees/breeze/ moon/soon/ look/brook
  27. made/blade

Rudyard Kipling ------- Manliness -poem

  1. If you  can dream and not make
  2. Dreams your master;
  3. If you can think and not make
  4. Thoughts your aim;
  5. If you can meet with
  6. Triumph and disaster;
  7. And treat those Impostors
  8. Just the same;

  9. If you can force your heart,
  10. Nerve and sinew
  11. To serve your turn 
  12. Long after they are gone;
  13. And so hold on
  14. When there is nothing in you
  15. Except the WILL  which says
  16. To them ,"HOLD ON."

  17. If you can fill the unforgiving minute
  18. With sixty seconds' worth
  19. Of distance run,
  20. Yours is the earth and
  21. Everything that's in it,
  22. And, what is more,
  23. You will be a MAN,
  24. My son.
  25. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Piano for happiness,peace and pleasure

Dialogue for Fun

  1. Ram: " Doctor, a bee has stung me.It's paining too much".
  2. Doctor: "I'll apply this ointment on it."
  3. Ram:" You can't find it,the bee, any way."
  4. Doctor:" O.K.Tell me in which place where you were stung."
  5. Ram: " It happened in the park where I was sitting under a tree."
  6. Doctor." In which part did it sting you?"
  7. Ram."It was on my finger."
  8. Doctor:" Which one?"
  9. Ram: " How do I know?" "All bees look same to me."
  10. Doctor: " I got up from the wrong side of the cot,today."
  11. Ram: " why do you say so?"
  12. Doctor: : " I have never come across a patient like you in my life so far."
  13. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. Which is far? The moon or Mumbai???
  15. Mumbai,of course, because we cannot see it.
  16. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  17. There are 100 birds in a tree.
  18. I shoot one bird.How many birds left on the tree? is it 99 or nil???
  19. Nil .no bird. why ? all the other birds will fly away to save their lives.
  20. xxxxxxxxxxx 


  1. on/by/in/at/ of/from/ below/down/ amidst/ within/upto/
  2. till/  after/until. for.
  3. You can go on and on with your learning.
  4. This is done by me for you.
  5. You can come in at any time.
  6. Please don't look at me like that.
  7. You can come at any time you like.
  8. This life if full of opportunities and challenges.
  9. You can observe the little insects and learn from them a lesson.Example the ant  and the bee.
  10. This train comes fromMumbai.
  11. The heaven or the sky is above and  the earth is below and we are in between. (like in the sandwich)
  12. Don't look down when you are in  high tower.
  13. You must be amidst all studious and industrious people.
  14. Power and Energy  are within you.
  15. I cannot drink coffee without milk.
  16. You must not travel without a ticket.
  17. You can go up to the top of the hill.
  18. Wait till I come back and pick you up.
  19. Sleep after you do a hard work and you can sleep nicely.
  20. You cannot win until you try ,try and try again.
  21. My life is for your success and happiness.
  22. You can either travel by car ,bus or train.
  23. March on the straight road.
  24. Come in and enjoy your day.
  25. You can come at 6 o'clock.
  26. He looks at the mirror every now and then.
  27. You can take help from anyone but be thankful and grateful.
  28. You can see below , the earth from a space-craft.
  29. You can see below the earth from a space-craft.
  30. What difference can you find in these sentences??
  31. Don't look down on any poor man. He may be a clever man too.
  32. Till I finish this lesson I will not rest.
  33. After you read , you can revise and then comment too.
  34. wish you good luck until we meet again.

Articles A,An,The

  1. These are Demonstrative Adjectives.
  2. A and An are indefinite articles;
  3. They point out  a person or thing in general.
  4. I met a boy. Was that boy short/ fat/ lean/ tall/ ??? we do not know.
  5. I ate an apple.Which apple, Kashmir apple,Australian apple, Red apple, yellow apple or green apple??
  6. We do  not know which apple?
  7. In both these cases it does not point out any person or thing in  particular.
  8. A is also used  before a word beginning with a consonant sound.
  9. A European, A hole, A ewe,  A university.A unicorn, A table, A yard,  A one rupee coin, 
  10. AN is used  before a word beginning with a vowel sound. and h mute or silent.
  11. An animal, An individual,An angry  man,An enemy, An ink-pot, An owl, An umbrella, an heir, an honest man, an hour.An hotel,
  12. THE- is the definite article.
  13. A singular noun representing  a whole class.
  14.  The lion is the king of the forest.
  15. The camel is the ship of the desert.
  16. The donkey is the beast of burden.
  17. The rose smells sweet.
  18. The whale is a kind of mammal.
  19. Man or woman used as representing a whole class you can;t use The.
  20. Example: Man is the wonderful creation of God.
  21. Why? He can think and speak.
  22. Woman is the blessing of God.
  23. Why? She brings forth a man or woman.
  24. Representing  a profession as a class.
  25. A carpenter  makes chairs and tables.
  26. A doctor treats the patients.
  27. A cobbler mends our shoes.
  28. When speaking of someone or something already referred to:
  29. The boy who came wore a red shirt.
  30. The story which he told was very interesting.
  31. Talking of a particular person or thing:
  32. Do you like the electric fan?
  33. The fellow whom you saw is a great orator.
  34. The poor beggar did not get any alms.
  35. Let us all go to the playground now.
  36. When we refer to scriptures or classical books.
  37. The Gita, The Quran, The Holy Bible/
  38. when referring to the newspapers, journals
  39. The Hindu,The Indian Express, The Economic Times,
  40. When referring  to the imaginary geographical lines;
  41. The Equator, The Tropic of Cancer, The Tropic of Capricorn, The Longitude, The latitude,  etc,
  42. When referring to bays, gulfs, canals, hills, mountains, peaks, glaciers, rivers, oceans, seas, group of islands, straits, ocean currents, sea channels.:
  43. The Himalayas, The Alps
  44. The Everest, The Shivalik Hills, The Gangotri Glacier,The Ganges, The Kaveri, the Nile, The Narmada,
  45. The Panama Canal, The Suez Canal
  46. The Indian Ocean, The Pacific Ocean,
  47. The Arabian Sea, the Mediterranean  Sea,
  48. The Persian gulf, The bay of Bengal, The English Channel,
  49. The British Isles, The West Indies,
  50. The Strait Gibraltar, The Gulf Stream,The Equator current.
  51. will be continued later.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


  1. A compound word:
  2. is a noun, verb or adjective
  3. made of 2 or more words
  4. Becomes a new word written with a - hyphen.
  5. Examples:
  6. Air-port
  7. Hand-guard
  8. Mud-guard
  9. Class-room
  10. Black-board
  11. Over-load
  12. Child-hood
  13. Safe-guard
  14. Moon-light
  15. River-bed
  16. Type-write
  17. Land-mark
  18. Foot-hill
  19. Fly-catcher
  20.  Ice-caps
  21. Sea-food
  22. Star-light
  23. noun+ noun star-light, Sea-food
  24.  Adj+noun  good-will, Soft-ware. gentle+man
  25. Gerund+noun Sewing-machine,Walking-stick
  26.  Adverb+noun In-sight , out-post , fast-food
  27. verb+adverb Wash-out, flash-back, make-over
  28. Noun+ verb Night-fall, day+break, water+fall
  29.  Adjective+ verb  free+drive,dry+clean,Deep+fry
  30. Adverb+verb Out+run,well+defined. Down+cast
  31. N0un+adjective  Radio-active ,Light+sensitive
  32. Adjective +adjective  pale+blue  ,light+ green
  33. Adverb+Participle Out+ sourcing, in+ coming
  34. We must be grateful to all the authors, committee and and the chairperson for having spent their energy.time,talent, skill for the benefit of the teachers ,students and general public.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Degrees of Comparison

  1. There are  3 degrees of comparison.
  2. Positive:
  3. Very few cities in India are as populous  as Mumbai.
  4. He runs as fast as a deer.
  5. No other animal can catch any prey as fast as the tiger.
  6. Nothing is so important as character.
  7. My pencil is not so sharp as yours.
  8. He is as tall as his brother.
  9. No other street is as busy as Oppanakkara  street.
  10. Very few persons are as helpful as Sundar.
  11. This room is as comfortable as that one.
  12. Very few people  in this world are as industrious as the Japanese.
  13. Very few mobile phones in this shop are as expensive as this one.
  14. Walking is as healthy as swimming.
  15. Your choice is as good as mine.
  16. Not many saints  are as kind as Joseph.
  17. Stephen drives as fast as Roque.
  18. No other road is as narrow as this road.
  19. Apples are not as sweet as mangoes.
  20. Very few students are as attentive as Priyanka.
  21. Very few candidates were selected so easily as John.
  22. The servant is  as capable as the master.
  23.  Very few teachers  are as good as Mr. Kalam in guiding.
  24. Comparative Degree:
  25. The menu in this restaurant is better than in any other restaurant.
  26. The new waiters  are better than old waiters.
  27. The cream cake is more expensive than the plain cake.
  28. It is getting harder and harder to find an inexpensive hotel.
  29. The prices of vegetables are going higher and higher than the cost of sugar.
  30. Air-conditioners are becoming more expensive.
  31. Here in this showroom  the shorter the queue the faster will be the service.
  32. It is more expensive to buy a car than buying a scooter.
  33. Cakes are softer than cookies.
  34. His signature has more valuable than hers.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Grammar for pleasure

  2. In Latin and English grammar, the gerund is a non-finite verb form that can function as a noun.
  3. Verbal nouns or participles  or verbal adjectives are  also Non-finite verbs.
  4. Swimming is a good exercise.
  5. Do you like swimming?
  6. Eating chocolates in the class is not correct.
  7. On being the Prime Minister, he drove away the poverty and not the poor people.
  8. Music has a way of finding solace to the morose people.
  9. Music  has a way of helping us to relieve our bad mood.
  10. Prem can complete before going to bed.
  11. You cannot travel without paying the fare.
  12. Quarrelling is not allowed in the class.
  13. Winning a game is good.Losing a game teaches you where you went wrong.
  14. You can be exempted from taking this particular test.
  15. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  16. usage of participle:
  17. Seeing the stranger, the dog barked.
  18. Questioning the thief, the police found out the truth.
  19. Opening the door, she welcomed the guest.
  20. Scoring good marks  ,you can expect to get admission easily.
  21. Resorting to music is one way to overcome grief.
  22. Answering the questions well, you can get good marks.
  23. Gerund: form of a verb  when used as a noun.Example:Swimming.( the act of swimming)
  24. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  25. Suffix: letters, or syllables added at the end of a word:to make another word
  26. Prefix: Word or syllable placed in front of a word to add or change its meaning.
  27.  Suffix:able .eatable, age breakage,  recite recital, announce announcement,Exception Exceptional, clear clearance.
  28. manage management. cooperate co-operation. nation national.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


  1. Don't waste water and time.
  2. If you waste  water  you will suffer.
  3. If you waste time you will miss many opportunities.
  4. Be careful when lending money.
  5. Think 1000 times before lending money.
  6. Think 100 times before borrowing money.
  7. If you lend money to a wrong person it will not come back.
  8. If you borrow money return it  with thanks.
  9. Never go late to school or office.
  10. If you go late you may not get admission.
  11. If you go late to office daily you will lose your job.
  12. You may be late for a valid reason.
  13. If your vehicle or bus breaks down once in a way you will be excused.
  14. When you dance in the rain ,it is for sure you will get wet.
  15. If you dance in the rain,you are sure to get wet.
  16. To make a complete sense ,the sentences having "IF" will have main clause.
  17. If he works hard, he will pass.
  18. If she had enough money, she would have bought  the jewels.
  19. If it had not rained, she would have visited Agra.
  20. If he studied well, he would pass the test.
  21. If he went late, he would not get admission.
  22. If I won a lottery, I would buy a new car.
  23. If I go out of the gate, the dog would bite me.
  24. If I had more money, I would feed a lot of poor people.
  25. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Negative sentences

  1. Hardly, seldom, rarely, scarcely, nowhere, never.barely
  2. We hardly listen to the teacher.
  3. I hardly work but I expect always an increase in my pay.x
  4. Buses seldom stop at this stop.
  5. She rarely visits her mother ( sometimes only once in three months)
  6. Nandini scarcely come late to school.
  7. I can find my  English book nowhere because when I came from school I threw them here and there.
  8. I never tell lies to my parents but sometimes at school I lie to my teacher.
  9. We barely have sufficient  food for all of us here.
  10. The above sentences are all in Negative form.
  11. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  12. Rhyming words:
  13. Deck.wreck.form,storm, dead,fled, below,go,blood,stood,
  14. word,heard,
  15. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Abbreviations,contractions and acronym

  1. Abbreviation:
  2. is  a Shortening by any method:
  3. Example: Professor.Prof. Street.St. B.A. Bachelor of arts.
  4. BPO - Business Process Outsourcing
  5. B.Tech- Bachelor of Technology
  6. KPO- Knowledge Process Outsourcing
  7. SBI- State Bank Of India.
  8. PA-Personal Assistant.
  9. PS-Personal Secretary/ Post Script
  10. RRB-Railway Recruitment Board.
  11. Contraction:
  12. Example: Doctor.Dr. Debtor.Dr. bank BK. Cannot Can't
  13.  They are They're.
  14. Acronyms:
  15. AIR- All India Radio
  16. LAN. Local Area Network.
  17. RAM. Random Access Memory
  18. ROM. Random Only Memory
  19. TAFE- Tractor and Farm Equipment.
  20. TANSI- Tamil Nadu Small Scale Industries.
  21. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  22. CAT.
  23. C.A.
  24. NGO
  25. NEWS  North East West  south ( collection of information)
  26. SSC Staff selection commission,/ Secondary school Certificate)
  27. UAE United Arab Emirates.
  28. UFO Unidentified Flying Object.
  29. UNESCO
  30. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  31. AIDS Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) i
  32. UNESCOThe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  33. Sim- Subscriber identity module,
  34. RADAR-RAdio Detection And Ranging.
  35. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday, August 8, 2014

Dharshni's Lesson ----" Swept away"

  1. Who wrote this story? Sussanah  Hickling.
  2. What is this story about? About Celine, wife of Serge . the french woman stepping out of her house  and disappearing  beneath the flooded water.
  3. Who was Serge? A council worker, Husband of Celine, aged  43.
  4. Who was Celine? wife of Serge,  a home help. aged 32.
  5. What did he tell his wife? " Come on, we've got to get out of  here now".
  6. Why did he say that to his wife? Because the flood water  poured into their house already 30 centimeters deep and rising.
  7. What did the couple do then? They lifted the sofa and stacked their other possessions on their dining table.
  8. When did the violent storm batter?It was at 2.15 p.m.
  9. What day was it? Monday.
  10. When did this happen? On September 22, 2003.
  11. Where did it happen? In the small town. Lunel.
  12. Where id Lunel? In southern France.
  13. Where is France? In Europe continent.
  14. Where id this Lunel? it stands only  a few metres above sea-level.
  15. How was this little town? It was flat, and marshy area with floods arriving frequently.
  16. What happened  in just over a year? Lunel was flooded their home invaded by water , the second time.
  17. Where did they step out? In to the street.
  18. Where did they land? in a fast flowing thigh high deep river.
  19. What did they do? they waded across  the road.
  20. On what did Celine step over? on a low hedge( close row of bushes)
  21. What did it do? It separated the street from the pavement.
  22. What did Serge see when he followed her?  He saw Celine falling.
  23. What happened to Celine? She had disappeared beneath the water. Beneath-below
  24. What did Serge think? thought she was dead and they would find her body later.
  25. What did Celine feel herself? she was being pulled under the water.
  26. What did she do instinctively ? She reached up Serge's hand.
  27. Why was her relief short-lived(temporary)?
  28. because his hand slipped away.
  29. What could she not understand? what was happening to her.
  30. What happened to her at that time? She was being swept along underwater,helpless and swallowing mouthfuls of the filthy liquid.filthy/impure. she could not also breathe.
  31. What did think then?That she was going to die.and that she was drowning. and there was no way to survive./to exist/to live.
  32. What did she find? She found she could breathe again.
  33. What did she see in the dim light? She was 10 meters from the manhole through which she had plunged.plunged-to thrust into the water.Thrust-push
  34. Why was she not able to swim? because of the current.
  35. Where was she? in a 2 metre wide concrete Storm drain.
  36. What happened to that? It was  almost completely filled up and it was still raising.
  37. What stretched across the drain? a small plastic pipe.
  38. How was the tunnel further on? completely black.
  39. Why do Celine try to grab the pipe? to keep herself out of the water as much as she could.
  40. How was the plastic pipe? slippery.
  41. What did she do not to swept further along the drain?
  42. She pulled her upper part of her body out of the water.
  43. and manoeuvred herself against the wall.
  44. manoeuvre= clever and skilful movement.
  45. What did Serge do? he panicked(affected by terror) and cried for help.
  46. Where did he go? to the nearest neighbour's house.
  47. What did he tell them? Celine had been sucked down a drain. He had to go back and get her out.
  48. Who was Louise Martinez?Serge's neighbour.
  49. What did she say? no and she told him that they had to ring up the Fire Brigade.
  50. How was Celine there? Drenched and feeling cold.
  51. What came to her like photographs? Thoughts.
  52. What was her daughter's name? Amandine
  53. What did Amandine do as she hurried into the school?
  54. she blew a kiss.
  55. What did Celine think?She thought she would never see Amandine again. and that she would not be there to celebrate Amandine's 12th birthday.
  56. When was the birthday? in 2 weeks time.\
  57. Why did she want to survive? to be present on Amandine's birthday.
  58. What did she think about Serge?about their noisy quarrel( squabble) that morning. How Serge would be able to tell about Celine's death.
  59. What did she want to do? to fight to the very end.
  60. What did the firemen do? they battered through the flood.
  61. When did they receive the call about Celine's disappearance?  about an hour later.
  62. What did they shine and then do?they shone the torches through the man hole.
  63. and they probed with the metal rods.
  64. What did Celine see? saw the bright light.
  65. What did she do then? started tapping on the pipe and battering the walls with her hands and arms.and shouted that she was there and for them to come and get her out.
  66. What happened to her astonishment? the lights and metal rods disappeared.
  67. How was her life in the drain then?
  68. she felt the objects  smashing against her.bags, branches, the contents of bins coming along with the filthy water.
  69. What did she think then? She could  not hold the pipe any longer.Since the water level had dropped to her chest.
  70. What did she reckon?estimate or guess?
  71. There must be an exit further on and perhaps a grill.
  72. She wanted to find out if it was open or if it was closed.If it would have been closed she could be smashed too.
  73. What was  she able to do with her feet?She was able to touch  the drain wit h her feet.
  74.  what hit her which was protruding from the wall? an iron bar.
  75. What happened then?lost consciousness for a moment. and once again going under the water.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Swept away continued

  1. What happened when she lost her consciousness for a moment?She found herself going under the water once more.
  2. What did she grab? the pieces of plastic hanging down the roof.
  3. Then what happened? she was sucked along and she was forced on to  her back.
  4. She was turned over and over in the icy deluge.(rushing waters and flood)
  5. What slammed against the concrete wall? her legs,knees, and her shoulder
  6. When did she think jubilantly?victoriously) when reality hit her. when she realized that she was in the open air and the night was falling.
  7. Who thought to herself." I'm outside. I'm outside".? Celine
  8. Where was she then? In a ditch.
  9. How was the ditch? over -flowed with houses on one side and fields on the other.
  10. What did she grab? some tufts of grass and reeds.
  11. What was she not able to do? unable to lift herself.
  12. What did she do? Screamed for help.
  13.  What did she hear above the roaring of water?she heard a man's voice. 
  14. Who was he? He was jack Poderoso  a teacher  45 old man.
  15. What was he doing there? He was checking that his daughter's horse was alright.
  16.  What did he shout and ask?" Is there someone there?"
  17. What did Celine yell back?  "I'm here. I'm here".
  18. What did she ask him" " what'sthe time?"
  19. What did he reply? " It's after 7 p.m.
  20. Why was Celine amazed? Because she had been there for 5 hours.
  21. What did she shout?" Ring Serge. Tell him I'm alive.He thinks I 'm dead."
  22. What did Jack find and what did he tell her?
  23. He saw her still in danger and she was weak.
  24. He told her to calm down and to try to get out of that river.
  25. Where was she then and  why couldn't Jack save her?
  26. She heaved onto a muddy bank and there was still no way for Jack to reach her.
  27. What did Celine manage to do? she remembered Serge's brother's number. She dragged herself to her feet.
  28. What voice  did she hear? " Where's the body?"
  29. Whose voice was that? The fireman's.
  30. What was he  bearing? a bag.
  31. When did Serge reach the Lunel's fire station?
  32. It was after 8 p.m.
  33. What pulled up outside?  a fire engine.
  34. Who was there when the door was opened? Celine.
  35. How was she? Her hair wet  and bedraggled  and her face battered.
  36. What could she do only? She could only collapse  weeping into Serge's arms.
  37. What was Celine's theory of life?
  38. "When I want something, I am very determined. I wanted to be there for my daughter and for Serge."
  39. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  40. Serge- council worker
  41. Jack- Teacher
  42.  Lunel-  a small town
  43.  Celine- Wife of Serge.
  44.  Amandine-  Celine's daughter.
  45. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  46. Bedraggled- made wet by muddy water.
  47. Buffeted- swung back and forth
  48. Deluge- rushing waters ,flood
  49. Jubilantly-victoriously
  50. Man-hole-  a hole under which drainage water flows.
  51. Manoeuvered-(Learn this spelling correctly)
  52. moved skilfully
  53. Stacked- arranged in piles
  54. Squabble- noisy quarrel
  55. Swirling- moving around quickly.
  56. Wading- Walking through the water.
  57. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Parts of Human body

What time is it?and what date?

  1. To-day is Monday and the time now is 5 O'clock.
  2. Tomorrow is Tuesday and the time then will be 6 O'clock.
  3. Day after tomorrow is Wednesday and the time will be 7O'clock.
  4. Yesterday was Sunday and the time was 8A.M.
  5. Day before yesterday was Saturday and the time was 9 O'clock.
  6. Sunday.Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and 
  7. Saturday.There are seven days in a week.
  8. 15 days in a fortnight.
  9. 4 weeks make one month. 2 fortnights make one month.
  10. We have one new moon day and one full moon day.
  11. The moon reflects the light of the sun.
  12. 12 months make one year.
  13. 365 days make one year.
  14. 4 years once we get leap year.
  15. How to find the leap year?
  16. Divide the year by 4 .if you get the remainder 0 then it is a leap year.
  17. Example: 2012 /4= 503.remainder 0.
  18. Day before yesterday was 3rd of August.
  19. Yesterday was 2nd of August.
  20. Today is 4th of August.
  21. Tomorrow is 5th of August.
  22. Day after tomorrow will be 6th of August.
  23. When you tell the date remember this:
  24. 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 th.(6 to 20 add th with them.)
  25. 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th,25th,26th,27th,28th,29th, 30 th,
  26. 31st.
  27. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  28. January has 31 days so also March,May,July,August,
  29. October and December.
  30. February has 28 days and in leap year 29 days.
  31. April, June,September  and November has 30 days.
  32. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  33. What's your date of birth? 10th October,1998.
  34. On what date were you born? On 10th.
  35. In which month were you born? In October.
  36. In which year were you born? in 1998.
  37. Is it a good day? yes. Every day is a good day.
  38. You only can make the day good or otherwise.
  39. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, August 2, 2014

I am the seed.

  1. I am the seed,
  2. You sow me in January,
  3. Water me, take care of me.
  4. My roots will grow,
  5. So too my  shoots,
  6. They both will grow
  7. In February and March.
  8. I become a young plant, 
  9. I will become a big plant,
  10. I will bloom in April,
  11. I will bear fruit in May,
  12. You can  come and pluck them.
  13. Eat them and enjoy.
  14. I grow old in June and after that,
  15.  I become weak in July, 
  16. All my leaves fall down,
  17. I become dry after that.
  18. You have to wait for
  19. Some more months ,
  20. To get some fruits from me.
  21. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  22. Which are the months you have to wait? Do you know?
  23. They are August, September,October, November and
  24. December.
  25. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  26. I get up only after my mother wakes me up.
  27. I get up before the sunrise everyday.
  28. I get up when the alarm rings at 5 A.M.
  29. I get up on my own at 5.30 A.M.
  30. Which one is correct?
  31. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  32. When I get up, I go to the restroom.
  33. I brush me teeth, wash my face and hands clean.
  34. I take my cup of milk.I check all my books and note books .
  35. I read  and revise my lessons.
  36. I get ready for my school.
  37. My mummy gives me breakfast, at  8 o'clock.
  38. If I have  time, I help mummy in her household work.
  39. My auto comes at 8.30 a.m.
  40. I reach the school exactly at 9 A.M.
  41. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  42. House and the fly can make the word HOUSEFLY.
  43. Housefly is the insect which will make us sick. How do you know?
  44. Gold and fish will make the goldfish. You can see in the aquarium .Fish and tank  will make the fishtank.
  45. Key and the board will make the word KEYBOARD.
  46. You can learn the keyboard and play and enjoy.
  47. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  48. What does the postman do?
  49. He works in the post-office.
  50. He sorts out the letters by street and numbers.
  51. He goes to every house and delivers letters.
  52.  He works very hard.
  53. He works in summer ,winter ,autumn and spring and also in the rainy season.
  54. We all eagerly wait for his arrival.
  55. Nowadays E-mail has made his life simpler and easier.
  56. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  57. What do you like?
  58. To move fast or slow,
  59. To move right or left,
  60. Which one do you like?

  61. What do you like?
  62. To run right or left,
  63. To run front or back,
  64. Which one do you like?

  65. What do you  like?
  66. To bend your hip to the right,
  67. Or to bend your hip to the left,
  68. Which one do you like?

  69. What do you like?
  70. To Jump high or jump low,
  71.  Or to jump fast or slow,
  72. Which one do you like?

  73. What do you like?
  74. To ask" How  are you?'
  75. or to reply,"I am fine, Thank you."
  76. Do you like to do what you like?
  77. Yes, that's what I want to do.
  78. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  79. right and bright are rhyming words.
  80. low and slow too,
  81. So are back and lack,
  82. So too are like and mike and bike.
  83. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  84. Which words did you learn?
  85. Bend, fine,jump, move, fast, hip.
  86. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  87. On my right is the wall.
  88. On the wall is the clock.
  89. On my left is the chair,
  90. My sister sits on it.
  91. My teacher asks me " How are you?'
  92. I reply, " I am fine, thank you."
  93. My coach tells me to bend my right hip.
  94. I like to do that and to bend my left hip too.
  95. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  96. Open the windows, let the air come in.
  97. Close the door and you can be safe.
  98. Throw all the papers in the Waste-basket.
  99. Clean your feet before you enter.
  100. Leave your footwear outside.
  101. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  102. We  are animals.
  103. I am deer and he is  the elephant,
  104. He is the giraffe and I am the tortoise.
  105. The monkey is our friend.
  106. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Learn More be happy

  1. I like to play  but not in the clay.Play/clay
  2. I like to jump but not in the bump. jump/bump
  3. I like to sing but not about the king. Sing/king
  4. I like to write and say my saying is right. Write/right
  5. I like to run with my friends and it gives us lots of fun.Run/fun
  6. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  7. What's your name? Vimala
  8. How old are you? seven years old.
  9. Where did your mother enrol you? in a swimming pool.
  10. What is enrolling? is to get admission.
  11. What were you afraid of in the beginning? scared of the water.
  12. What is the meaning  of Scared? afraid of.
  13. What became your hobby? Swimming.
  14. What is a hobby? the activity which brings pleasure and enjoyment.
  15. Who was your coach? Mr.Anand.
  16. How many times in a week did you go for coaching? twice, two times.
  17. How was he with you? very patient/ calm  with patience.
  18. How many swim suits did you have? three suits/dresses
  19. What else did you have? a pair of goggles /glasses to protect my eyes. and  a cap.
  20. When did you mother take you there? at 4 p.m.
  21. How many times do you swim in a week? two times or 4 times
  22. What did your coach tell you one day?
  23. " You are a good swimmer."
  24. In which type of swimming  did you become an expert?
  25. In free style swimming.
  26. What did you practise? breast stroke and back stroke.
  27. and also butterfly stroke.
  28. What was there  in the school? A competition/contest.
  29. How many participants were there? ten
  30. Who encouraged you? my mother and my coach.
  31. What did you win? the first prize.
  32. What did your say?"Congrats. we are very proud of you."
  33. What do you say now about Swimming? it is a good exercise.
  34. What is the benefit? It keeps us fit ,fine, hale and healthy.
  35. What can we all enjoy? Swimming.
  36. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  37. I like three swim suits. I like swimming.
  38. I am a good swimmer. My coach coaches me swimming.
  39. I practise breast stroke. My mother takes me to the swimming class.
  40. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  41. From your face I can find whether
  42.  You are happy.When you get something you like.
  43. you are angry when someone hits you.
  44. you are scared when you see a lizard or a cockroach.
  45. You cry when you lose something.
  46. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  47. Ask your teacher this when you want to enter the class.
  48. " May I come in, madam?" " yes" says your teacher.
  49. You say, " Thanks, madam."
  50. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  51. Action words are called verbs.
  52. Play: you can now play football.
  53. Share: you can share your lunch.
  54. Pen: you can also lend your pen to your friend.
  55. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  56. Which are the months of the year?
  57. January,February, March,April, May, June,
  58. July,August, September, October , November and December.
  59. Which is the first month of the year? January.
  60. Which is the last month of the year?December.
  61. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  62. Which is this month? August.
  63. Which is your favourite month? May.
  64. Which month comes after April? May
  65. Which month comes between January and March? 
  66. February.
  67. Which is the sixth month of the year? June
  68. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  69. What time is it now? Eight o'clock.
  70. When do you get up? at 6 o'clock.
  71. When do you go to school? at 9 o'clock.
  72. When do you come back from school? at 4 o'clock.
  73. When do you go to bed? at 9 o'clock.
  74. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  75. What time do you come to school? at 9 o'clock.
  76. When does your father come  back from office? at 7 o'clock.
  77. When does Vimala go for swimming? at 4  o'clock.
  78. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  79. Which is the time to wake up? at 5 o'clock.
  80. When do you have break-fast? at 8 o'clock.
  81. When do you go to school? at 9 o'clock.
  82. When do you play? at 5 o'clock.
  83. When do you sleep? at 9 o'clock.
  84. What does the clock say? tick,tock,tick,tock.
  85. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday, August 1, 2014

  1. What does  the teacher do? sings a song
  2.  What do the students do? they listen and sing along with the teacher.
  3. Who reads the first line? the teacher
  4. Who reads the second line? the students.
  5. How long does it continue? till the song ends.
  6. Then what does the teacher do? she whispers the line
  7. What do the students do? repeat the line louder.
  8. What do the whole class do? They recite the whole poem one by one.
  9. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. My school.
  11. My school is very big.
  12. It has 40 class rooms and 50 teachers.
  13. There is one office, Our principal sits in that office.
  14. We have an assembly hall.
  15. We have a big playground.
  16. My school is very near my house.
  17. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  18. Write the names of some games. Names and games sound same.
  19. You can play with the clay. play and clay
  20. You can come and have some sweets. come/some
  21. Our school is in a cool place. school/cool
  22. We all write with our right hand. write/right
  23. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  24. learn these verbs/action words.
  25. Come : Come now.
  26. Draw: Draw the picture of a parrot.
  27. Drive: Drive slowly.
  28. Dive. Dive in the swimming pool.
  29. Eat. Eat this mango.
  30. Go: Don't go alone in the dark lane.
  31. Jump: Jump here and jump there.
  32. Play. You can play cricket too.
  33. Run: Run two kilometers.
  34. Read: Read this and learn new words.
  35. Sing: Sing a song now along with me.
  36. Sleep: Sleep early and wake up early.
  37. Write: Write 10 lines everyday.
  38. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  39. Sing now the rhymes.
  40. Drink tea.
  41. Write ten words.
  42. Play  games in the playground.
  43. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. What are ringing? The morning school bells.
  2. What do you want me to do? Get up soon and go to school.
  3. What am I doing now? you are sleeping.
  4. What are we proud of? Our school.
  5. What do we salute in the school? our national flag.
  6. Who is in the office room? Our Headmaster.
  7. What do we keep clean? our classroom.
  8. Whom do we respect? our teacher.
  9. What are naming words called? Nouns.
  10.  What are naming words? Names of persons,places and things.
  11. Examples: school, office. library,books., restroom .
  12. How many colours are there in our national flag?three or four?
  13. What are they?  deep saffron, white, green and Asoka chakra wheel in blue colour.
  15. What colour is our board in the classroom? Black.
  16. What do we do on that? write with chalk-piece.
  17. What do we also have in our school? Playground.
  18. Why it looks green? because there are many trees.
  19. What do we do there joyfully? play.
  20.  In which do we drink coffee or tea? In a big cup.
  21. What do we do with the watch? we see the time.
  22. Is it cheap or costly? Costly. 
  23. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  24. Verb: is an action word telling about the subject what he/it does.
  25. D for display
  26. Many shirts are displayed in the showroom.
  27. S for Salute. You wish your teacher and salute him.
  28. Write: You can write this word" WRITE" on the board.
  29. Play: You must not play in the classroom.
  30. Read: Read this lesson, learn and be happy.
  31. Speak: Speak loudly.
  32. Give: Please give me your pen.
  33. Pick:Pick this paper and put it in the dustbin.
  34. Ask: Teachers asks a question.
  35. Answer: I answer and reply.
  36. This: This is a pen.
  37. What's this? a pen.
  38. These: These are pens.
  39. What are these?
  40. These are pens.
  41. What is this? A book. What are these? books
  42. What is this? A chair. What are these? chairs.
  43. What is this? A bag. What are these? bags.
  44. Words related to the classroom.
  45. Class/ table/ book/ board/chair/ teacher/student/ desk/pen/pencil/eraser/calendar/pictures/cup-board,
  46. Jumbled word: Lebat.  Table
  47. Radbod.Board. glaf. flag. lacss Class biryral.Library.
  48. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  49. Speaking:
  50. "Children, This is Ram, our new student. Clap your hands and welcome him."
  51. Ram:"Thank you sir, thank you all."
  52. Teacher: " please introduce yourself."
  53. Ram: " My name is Ram. I am very happy to join you all and have a nice company."
  54. I am Ram.      Who are You?
  55. I am 9 years old.  How old are you?
  56. I am from Chennai. Where are you from?
  57. I am now with you all in 5th standard.
  58. In which standard are you in?
  59. I am  studying  in  Vasavi Vidyalaya school.
  60. In which school are you studying?
  61. My father is a business man.
  62. What's your father?
  63. His name is Dasaratha.
  64. What is your father's name?
  65. My mother is a house-wife.
  66. What's your mother?
  67. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  68. Where do you go everyday? to the school
  69. What do you sing? the rhymes.
  70. How do you sing the rhymes? loudly
  71. What do you read? the books
  72. How do you read them? happily
  73. What do you write? the words
  74. How do you write them? neatly.
  75. What do you play? games
  76. How do you play them? joyfully.
  77. Where do the pupils go everyday? to the school.
  78. What do they do with the books? read them.
  79. What do the pupils write?The words.
  80. Do they play the games joyfully? yes.
  81. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  82. Who sings the song now? the teacher.
  83.  What do the students do? listen to the song.