- A man and a woman went to the market.
- Men and women went to the market.
- That man has only one foot.
- All men have two feet.
- One woman can tell the story to many women.
- I lost my one tooth.
- My grand father has lost all his teeth.
- The goose swims in the pond.
- I see the geese in the pond.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
singular and plural
- A boy has one ball.
- A girl has one doll.
- The boys have balls.
- The girls have dolls.
- I see a tree in the garden.
- I see many trees in the garden.
- He has a blue pen.
- He has many pens.
- The student attends the class.
- The students attend their classes.
- This bank has only one branch in this city.
- State Bank has many branches in this city.
- Keep this box in the warehouse.
- Keep these boxes in the warehouse.
- This dish is very small.
- These dishes are very big.
- The Negro eats the potato and the mango.
- Negroes eat potatoes and mangoes.
- Man goes to buy mangoes.
- The lady tells a story to the baby.
- The ladies tell stories to the babies.
- The boy knows the way to get the key.
- The boys know the ways to get the keys.
- Read the life of a great man everyday.
- Read the lives of great men daily.
- Life without a wife is like the kitchen without a knife.
- Lives without wives are like the kitchens without knives.
- The thief took away the chain from my wife.
- The thieves took away the chains from our wives.
- The chief stands on the roof.
- The chiefs with their handkerchiefs stand on the roofs.
dialogue 5
- I have studied more about skeleton and I know how to arrange them in order.
- I know how to pray and bring in the skin, flesh and blood.
- I am capable of giving Life.
- I know only a little But I know how to save my life.
- O.K.
- Let's test our knowledge on this dead lion.
- Wait. Let me climb on that tree there.
- We know you are a fool and you don't know anything.
- O.K. Let's start.
- I have arranged the skeleton
- I have supplied the skin,flesh and blood.
- Shall I give life now?
- Give .Let's see
- OH! What's this? The lion came back alive.
- The lion killed all the three wise men.
- I am very happy.I didn't learn any special lessons.
- I am glad I am alive.
- God thank me for giving me common sense.
- Life is 99 per cent common sense and 1 per cent knowledge.
dialogue 4
- sarees silk shop see want pattern Beneras Kancheepuram
- Bengal Mysore nice border color buy show buy price
- Bill pay delivery thanks.
- Good morning Madam,Welcome.
- May I help you?
- Yes.
- What are you looking for Madam?
- I want silk sarees.
- Which Ones ,madam?
- Benaras,Mysore or Kancheepuram?
- Kancheepuram.
- They are there in the first floor.
- Please come in. I shall take you by the lift.
- Here.This Madam is looking for Kancheepuram silk sarees.
- Welcome! madam
- Here are the sarees.
- In what price are you looking for?
- About Rs.2500?-
- They are there madam.
- Please come.
- Please show me that,that and that.
- They are all very nice.
- Thanks madam.
- Which color are you looking for?
- I want light green color with red or yellow border.
- See this madam.
- This is very nice. I will take this.
- How much is that? Rs.2299?-
- That's o.k.
- Here is the bill,madam.
- Where is the cash counter?
- There in that corner,madam.
- Thanks
- Here is the bill.Please give me the balance.
- Thanks
- Please go downstairs and take Delivery.
- Yes. Thanks.
- Here is the bill.
- Here is your saree.
- Thanks.
- At you service madam,Please do visit again.
- thanks
dialogue 3
- Who was giving lecture on Hinduism?
- Swami Vivekananda.
- Who were asking questions to him?
- People from the audience.
- How long was the meeting going on?
- For the whole day.
- Who was standing in one corner?
- A Harijan(so called untouchable at that time).
- What did he do?
- He asked only one question.
- What was that question?
- "Are you not hungry,Swamiji"?
- What else did he say?
- Shall I bring a cup of milk or some wheat flour to make chappathis by yourself and have it.
- "I know you are very hungry,You didn't have any time to think of your hunger."
- What divine gift was there with the Harijan?
- The divine Gift"LOVE."
- Love made him to think of Swamiji's life and his hunger.
- Whereas others only asking questions after questions and not thinking the plight of Swamiji.
dialogue 2
- What is the capital of India? Delhi
- Is it a beautiful city? yes
- Who built the old Delhi? Emperor ShahJahan.
- Where is the red fort? In old Delhi
- Is Delhi a cosmopolitan city? yes
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cosmopolitan
- Is Delhi the seat of the union Government? yes
- What are there in Delhi city? The Parliament house, Rastrapathi Bhuvan and Central secretariat.
- Where is Rajghat? on the right bank of Yamuna/
- Whose Samadhi is there? Our father of our nation.
- Who is the father of our nation? Mahatma Gandhi.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
- welcome,sir,
- Have you reserved your seats?
- yes.
- May I have your name sir?
- Shanmugham
- Yes sir, your seats are reserved,for five of you.
- Yes, thank you.
- Please come in sir.
- This table is reserved for you,sir.
- Thank you.
- Here are the menu cards,sir.
- Thank you.
- Are you ready ,sir?
- Yes, bring us 5 North Indian Thaali.
- Will it take more time?
- No,sir. In 15 minutes.
- Can we have five Mushroom soup?
- Yes,sir.
- How was the meals Sir?
- It's very nice and tasty.
- Here is your bill sir.
- Do you accept credit cards?
- Yes sir.
- Please sign in this sir.
- Yes.
- Thanks,bye sir.
- Please do come again.
- Happy New year.sir.
- Wish you the same.
Friday, December 23, 2011
local and express train
- Madam,please show me you ticket.
- Yes,sir, here it is.
- Madam,this ticket is for local trains only.
- What is the difference between Local train and Express train?
- Local will stop at all stations.
- Express will stop only at certain stations.
- Sir, why don't you make this train stop at all stations?
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The thirsty crow
- What was the crow doing? flying here and there.
- Why was it flying here and there? because it was very thirsty.
- What was it doing? It was searching for water.
- Did it find the water? yes
- Where did it find the water? in a mud pot.
- Where was the water? in the bottom of the pot.
- What did the crow do? it put its beak inside the pot
- Could it get/reach the water? No
- Could it touch the water trying again and again? No
- Did it leave trying? No
- What did it do? It searched here and there and thought how to reach the water.
- What did it see? It saw some small pebbles lying near the pot.
- What did it do? It picked the pebbles one by one and dropped into the jar.
- What happened then? The water little by little came up to the brim.
- What did the crow do? It drank the water and flew away happily.
- Which country is ours? India
- Does it have a vast land? yes
- How is it spread? from Kanyakumari to Himalayas.
- Which people are living in India? People of different races and religions.
- What languages do they speak? Many different languages.
- Which are the main languages? Tamil, Hindi,Malayalam,Marathi,Bengali,Oriya,Kannada and others
- Is India a democratic country? yes
- Are there many states in India? yes ,there are . but still many regions want to have more and more division and fragmentation ,so that they can go back to the Indian History welcoming the foreigners to come and rule again.
- What is the capital of India? Delhi
- Where is Delhi? on the banks of river Yamuna.
- Are you an Indian? yes
- Why are you called an Indian? because you are born in India and you belong to this country.
- Do you love India? yes
fill up the blanks no 6
- Is this-----fruit shop?( an,that,a)
- Where can you see ----elephant?(a/an/as)
- A,e,i,o,and u ------vowels. (is.has.are)
- ----Ant is on ---- aunt.(a,an,the)
- ----elephant has two tusks. (a,an,have)
- ----ice-cream is liked by all children,(a ,have,an)
- ----Owl can see very well at night.(a/an/has)
- ----umbrella is very useful in the rainy season.(a,has,an)
fill up the blanks no.5
- This ----- my house.(are/have/is)
- It is a -------house.(other,another,new)
- Is -----beautiful? (they,his,it)
- It-------four rooms.(have,where,has)
- I ------ a small room.(has,have,am)
- We take food in the--------- room,(living,dining,bed)
- My mother prepares food in the --------(bathroom,dining room,kitchen)
- She prepares ----------soup in the kitchen.( vegetable,stones)
- My sister takes bath in the ----------room.(living,bath)
- We enter the house by opening the--------door.(front,back)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
fill up the blanks no.4
- Ram------ a ram and it bleats.(has/have/give)
- My son -------on the bed.(Lies,were,have)
- The cap ---- in the bag. (out/is/between)
- I------a red pen. (has/do/have)
- The pot -----very hot.(were/is.do)
- The jar is -------the box.( near/here.where)
- He shoots-------the gun.(with,also,of)
- You can ------a pin from that shop.(at,buy,from)
- The cat----- the hot milk.(put/drank/went)
- Leela -------to God.(brays/prays/sees)
- Gopal ------to Delhi.( runs/goes/takes)
- I------ a pencil for two rupees.(buy/walk/talk)
- The driver --------to the hotel.( drove/drank/dived)
- The doctor ----angry because he was hungry.(is/willbe/was)
- There ----no table in the hotel.(were/are/is)
- The factory ---------his property after his marriage.(became/did/does)
- His relative ----also a passenger in the train.(do/have/was)
- On Saturdays I ---------the cocoanut.(drove/brake/break)
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
fill up the blanks no.3
- Who ---- in the factory? when/do/is
- Who -------on the computer? has/works
- Do you -------a computer at home? has/have/is
- How many children----- you have? when.which/do
- what----- the color of your car? were/is/where
- Who ---- the husband of Kowsalya? was/have/which
- How-----do you like this lesson? many/much/more
- Did you ---- the work in Excel? Have/ do/ has
- Which color pen ---- you have? when/which/do
- _------- it write very well? do/does/have
- Where-------he gone? have/has/ do
- who-----at school now? is/was/were/
Fill up the blanks no.2
- ----- you take your lunch yesterday? were/are/do/did
- ------prepares the lunch? what/where/when/how/who
- -----item can you prepare very well? Who/which
- -------you like cooking? do/have/has
- At ------- time do you go to the factory? where/which/when
- --------car do you have? who/where/which
- How------ petrol do you put in your petrol tank? more/much.then
- ----------is the price of petrol today? Which/what/ where
- --------many tyres are there in your car? much/do/how
- Do you -------a spare tyre? has/have/ which
- --------you tired in doing this? is/are/have
- --------is your native place? what/which/when
- Did Rohit --------- his lunch? save/take/ sleep
- When------- you see your mother? have/do/did/has
- Where ----- your mother now? were/was/is
- How--------did you stay with your mother? much/more/long
- How ------you go to your native place? were/was/did
- How ------hours did you stay there? more/less/many
- How-----hours did you travel? More/much/many
- Where--- your house? did/have/is
- ------is the time now? which/who/where/what
- --------color saree do you like? how/who/where/which
- -------do you like very much?your dad or mom? whose/where/whom
- ------is the price of the saree? how/what/where
- --------did you buy it? who/do/where
- Who came ------you to the shop? also/with/in
- Did you------ any discount? get/give/pay/
- ------created this world? when/what/ who
- -------you like English? have/ do/when
- -------you know Hindi? have/do/whose
fill up the blanks
- What ------ your name? is/are/have/has
- Where ----- you coming from? is/have/has/are
- How old------you? is/are/do./have
- Who ---- he? are/is/have
- ----- you like ice-cream? have/do/ has/is/was
- ------you two pens? has/have/ do/did
- Where ------ you yesterday? are/were/was/
- Where ------ you now? is/ are/ were
- Who ---- in America? are/is/
- ----Rohit coming to-day? are/have/is
- Why ----- you late? is/do/ are
- ------ you see the blogs that day? have/do/ did/
- ---- you see the blogs now? is/are/do
- What ---- you study now? is/do/are/
- What ----- you study yesterday? did/do/was
- What------you doing yesterday? are/were/was/did
Sunday, December 18, 2011
learn these words
- Cup,carpet. There is a cup on the carpet.
- Earth. The earth is round.
- Title Do you know the title song?
- All All are good in this world.
- Journey. His journey was too tiresome.
- very,sad So he is very sad.
- too much. He is too much tired.
- Hole,whole. The snake drew its whole body into the hole.
- Sand, bag, Sand bags can stop the water flowing.
- dirty,room Careless people make the room dirty.
- Dry I like dry fruits. You can dry this in the sun-shine.
- Alone. Don't go there alone.
- If. If you don't like it ,don't do it.
- Thirst Thirst makes one to drink water.
- Care. Take care.
- Sun Sun rises in the east.
- Sound. He had a sound sleep.
- Sound. The sound is very blaring.
- Sound Don't sound your horn in front of the hospital.
- Mouse The mouse is the lunch for the cat.
steps to learn
- Zoo,Zebra. You can see the zebra in the zoo.
- There,eyes. I see two eyes there.
- Coach,tram driver. He was a coach driver and now he is a tram driver.
- Here is, there is. Here is the chocolate.There is the biscuit.
- Neighbour. My neighbour is from Chennai.
- Sight. The eagle has good eye-sight.
- Sight That sight is very charming.
- Site. This site is for sale.
- True. It is true she loves him.
- quickly. Come here quickly.
- Face. The king told him not to show his face.
- Town/village The town is far from the village.
- Green,empty. The green garden is empty at this time.
- suit case, in vain He searched his suit case in vain.
- Factory. This factory is closed on Sundays.
learn step by step
- To speak. To speak or to think ill of others is not good.
- To think. Try to think in the positive manner.
- To place. Try to place each one in its own place.
- To punish. The teacher tried to punish that child.
- To leave. When you want to leave, get the permission.
- To remain. I want you to remain here for sometime.
- To kill. He wanted to kill the goose that laid a golden egg everyday.
- To fall. She wanted to fall in the falls,but he saved her.
- To sell. He tried to sell the wrong thing.
- To see. Try to see the bright side of everyone and everything
Friday, December 16, 2011
learn more and more
- I have a red pen.
- Do you have a red pen?yes./no
- Which pen do you have?the red pen
- Who has a red pen? I have/He has.
- How are you? I am fine, thank you.
- Where are you? in the class.
- How old are you? 20 years.
- How old is this building? very old
- An old man went inside an old building.
- Who went inside the old building? the old man.
- How old was he? 99 years old.
- Where did the old man go? Inside the old building.
- Why do you sleep in my class?because I slept very late./ because your class is very boring.
- When do you get up? when I like./at 10 o'clock./as I like
learn these too
- to buy. He wants to buy a shirt for Christmas.
- to help. Do you like to help anyone?
- to love. I want to love everyone and hate none.
- to go. Does he want to go to London?
- to bring. What do you want to bring for the dinner?
- to call. Whom do you want to call for dinner?
- to have. Do you want to have many friends?
- to break. Do you want to break the journey here?
- to break. Why do you want to break the brake?
- to run. Why do you want to run so fast?
- to cry . Which one do you like? to cry or to laugh?
- to ask. Why do you want to ask me this question?
- to tell. I want to tell lies sometimes.
- to tell. Do you want to tell me anything?
- to offer. I want to offer everyone a gift.
- to give. I want you to give your full attention.
- to sleep. Why do you want to sleep in my class?
- to write. Who wants to write this essay on football game?
- to kiss. Do you like to kiss your child?
- to try. It is always better to try and do nothing at all.
- to explain. Why don't you try to explain?
- to do. What do you want to do now?
- to keep. Who wants to keep company with me?
- to keep. Do you want to keep your jewels in the safe?
- to imitate. Don't try to imitate others.
- to throw. What do you really want to throw?
- to wash. Who wants to wash his clothes?
- to eat. Who would like to eat a stale bread?
- to swim. Do you like to swim in that pool?
- to open. Do you like to open that box?
learn these
- On. Please go on and on.
- On.Please come on Monday.
- On.Keep this on the table.
- On. on reaching there,please wait for me.
- In. Who is in the hall?
- In. Is the fox in the box?
- In. Please come in.
- In.Coimbatore is in Tamil Nadu.
- At. Don't look at me like that.
- At. This train stops at all stations and in between stations too.
- At. Please come at 6 o'clock.
- After. Look after yourself.
- After. He runs after fame and money.
- After. Seven comes after six.
- afterwards. I will come afterwards..
- Stop. Please don't stop learning.
- Stop.The bus stops here.
- Stop. Stop, look and proceed.
- Stop. This is the seven number bus-stop.
- Other. Give me the other pen.
- Other.The other day I saw a monkey on the roof.
- Other. One boy flew the kite and the other boy played with the top.
- Another. One girl wore green dress and the another one wore red dress.
- Another. They love one another.
- Another.Please give me another one too.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
know more about India
- http://www.mapsofindia.com/
- http://www.mapsofindia.com/maps/india/india-political-map.htm
- http://www.mapsofindia.com/games/iknowmyindia.html
- http://www.mapsofindia.com/education/
- http://travel.mapsofindia.com/
- http://travel.mapsofindia.com/cities-of-india.html
- http://travel.mapsofindia.com/fairs-and-festivals/
- http://travel.mapsofindia.com/Top-10-Travel-Destination.html
Past,present and future
- I was an infant in the hands of my mother.
- Then I was a child.
- Now I am a young man.
- I will be a father one day.
- We were children.
- Then we became young men.
- Then we married.
- Then we became fathers.
- Now we are all grandfathers.
- You are a young man now.
- You will be a father one day.
- He was a child then.
- Now he is a young man,'
- He will be a father one day.
- She is a child now.
- She will become a woman.
- She will marry and become a wife and a mother one day.
- This is life.
- Everything starts from seed,
- Seed germinates and with proper care
- And nutrition it becomes plant,
- From plant it becomes a tree,
- It bears fruits,
- From fruits we get seeds again.
- This is life -cycle.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Know more about house.
and a Home.
- .A house is made bricks .mortar and stones, in some cases in wood too.In a house
- if someone hanged himself or committed suicide is believed that the ghost would live in that house and it will be called a HAUNTED HOUSE"
- .A home is not the same
- A home is different.
- A home is where congenial people live, love each other, forgive each other,understand more each other, live in peace and avoid frictions at every count.
- A home is a place where the children will be happy and creative in thinking and positive in attitude.
- Home is always a sweet home (with exceptions depending upon who are the occupants and House is different and
- .It can be a haunted house too.
- know more about the dog.
- Is this a dog or a puppy? a puppy
- Do you like this picture? yes
- From where can you get this picture? from google images under cute dogs.
- How many legs has it? four
- How many ears does it have? two
- How many eyes does it have? two
- Does it have a tail? yes
- Can you see the tail? no
- What color is it? brown and white.
- Do you like the puppy? yes
- Would you keep it as your pet? yes
- What will you name it? Brownie
- What does it try to say? " I love you, I like you,Do you love me and Do you like me"?
- "Shall we play together"? yes
- What is its house called? a kennel
- http://animal.discovery.com/tv/dogs-101/
- Describe the elephant.Tell about this elephant.
- what is this? An elephant.
- Is it big or small? big
- Where is it standing? in the ditch ,in water.
- How many eyes does it have? two
- How many heads does it have? one
- How many tusks does it have? two
- How many trunks does it have? only one
- How many tails has it? only one
- Is it a long one or a short one? a short one.
- How many ears does it have? two
- How are its ears? big and broad
- Why does it always fan its ears? to feel cool
- Where can you see an elephant? in the forests, in the zoos and in the temples .
- who is the trainer and keeper of the elephant? mahout
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/mahout
- What are the differences between an African and as Asian elephant?
- http://www.enotes.com/science/q-and-a/what-difference-between-an-african-elephant-an-28623
- How many legs does it have? four
- How are they? They are like four pillars.
step three
- What are you? a student
- Where do you go in the morning? to the school
- What do you do there? learn and study my lessons and play.
- With whom do you play? with my class-mates.
- What do you carry on your back? the school bag
- What is the weight of the bag? more than 4 kilos.
- How many books and notebooks do you carry? 10 text books,20 note books,
- What else do you take with you? pen,pencil,eraser, ruler,sketch-pen,pencil-sharpener, a basket, water-bottle, my lunch box.
- Do you really refer to all the note-books? yes only on certain days.
- What do you do in your free periods? play,chit-chat with my class-mates.
- Do you have a break-period? yes.
- For how long? only for 10 minutes.
- When do you have lunch? at 12.30 p.m.
- How much time do you get for lunch? one hour.
- When does your school start? at 8.30 a.m.
- When do you leave your school? at 4 p.m.
- Who is the best teacher? all of them
- When do you attend the assembly in the morning? at 8 a.m
- What do you do during the assembly? we hoist the national flag, sing our national anthem, say a few prayers, Read the head lines from the newspapers.
- What do you do after the assembly? we disperse and go to the class in lines,class-wise and to our class rooms.
- Which subject do you like most? English,Maths and Science.
- How do you go to school? by walk on some days,
- my dad drops me on Wednesday.
- I go in our car on Mondays,by auto on Fridays.
- on Tuesdays and Thursdays I go by my cycle.
- When do you have your holiday? only on Sunday.
- Which one do you like most? having a holiday or going to school.
- Both,
step two
- Who am I? a doctor
- Where am I? in the hospital.
- With whom do you work? with the nurses and hospital staff
- Whom do you take care? the patients.
- What do you wear? a uniform
- What do you wear on your neck?a Stethescope
- http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Stethescope
- Where do you sit? in my cabin.
- Whom do you visit and where? I go on my rounds and check the patients.
- Who comes with you? the nurse.
- What do you diagnose? the nature of the disease.
- http://www.thefreedictionary.com/diagnose
- What do you do? prescribe medicines.
- When do you come to the hospital? at 9 in the morning.
- When do you leave the hospital? at 5 in the evening.
- Will you be available for any emergency? yes.
- Is your profession a noble one? yes
- Why do you think so?Because we care more for the sick and cure them with our knowledge and skill and make them happier,healthier and peaceful.
Step one
- What is this? a picture
- What is that? a dog
- What are these? oranges
- What are those? Apples.
- What am I? an elephant.
- What are we? Farmers
- What are you? a teacher
- What are you? Students
- What is he? an engineer
- What is she? a nurse
- What is it? a camel
- What are they? truck drivers.
- What are they? bananas.
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