Smile,laugh and enjoy

Smile,laugh and enjoy
Life is worth living

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


  1. Prepositions are words which are used before nouns to show  where the persons or animals or things are:
  2. On,in,under, near, before, behind, up, down, above, below, beside, between, over,upon,in front of, inside,outside,out,through,by, of, at, with, among, to, during,from,
  3. What's on your hand? a parrot
  4. What do you do with it? I play.
  5. What is in your hand? An apple
  6. What is under the table? our pet dog.
  7. What is near the dog? the chair
  8.  What is before the chair? a plate
  9. What is in the plate? milk
  10. Where is the milk? in the plate
  11. Where is the plate? behind the chair.
  12. Where is the chair? on the floor
  13. What does up and comes down? Blood pressure and the lift
  14. What is above? the sky
  15. What is below? the earth
  16. What is beside the moon? the star
  17. Which star is beside the moon? Rohini
  18. What is over your head? the fan.
  19. Which planet is between the Moon and the Sun? the Earth.
  20. What springs upon the lamb? The tiger./The wolf
  21. Who  stands in front of the mirror all the time? only the beautiful girls.
  22. Where can we find all our mothers most of the time?mostly inside the kitchen.
  23. Where do all park their vehicles ? outside their houses.
  24. What goes up and comes down? the lift, the life, the ball and the kite
  25. Who goes out in the morning for a walk? My grand dad.
  26. What did you throw through the window? The papers.
  27. By whom is this world created? by the Almighty God.
  28. What is the pot made of? clay
  29. Who is the brother of Bharat? Ram
  30. Why are you laughing at me? because you are wasting your time.
  31. Who is coming with you? my aunt and her son.
  32. Who was the eldest among all brothers? RAM
  33. Where are you coming from? from Ashok Nagar
  34. Where are you going? I am going to R.S.Puram.
  35. What do you most during your holidays? Sleep,sleep and sleep.
  36. Which train is this? Chennai Express.
  37. Where is it coming from? Chennai
  38. Where is it going to? Coimbatore.
  39. I go from one lane to the other lane in search of food.Why?
  40. My master has driven me out of the house.
  41. Who throws stones at you? All the boys in the road.

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