Thursday, June 4, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Invitation for your birthday party
Besides making sure they are clear and legible you should also include these points:
- Who: Provide the name of the host for the party. ...
- What: Tell the recipients what the event is for. ...
- When: Make sure to be clear about the date and time of your party. ...
- Where: Be clear on the location.
- First write your address.
- Then address the recipient.
- Tell why are you sending the invitation.
- On what date, at which time and when is the party, and
- At what time will it start and when it will end.
- Finally write your name and yours sincerely, or yours affectionately. and sign.
- Same way learn how to thank the guests ,
- for their coming and gracing the function, and for their gifts.
- end it in the same way
- Thanks a lot for you kind presence,
- yours affectionately or yours sincerely.
Besides making sure they are clear and legible you should also include these points:
- Who: Provide the name of the host for the party. ...
- What: Tell the recipients what the event is for. ...
- When: Make sure to be clear about the date and time of your party. ...
- Where: Be clear on the location.
- First write your address.
- Then address the recipient.
- Tell why are you sending the invitation.
- On what date, at which time and when is the party, and
- At what time will it start and when it will end.
- Finally write your name and yours sincerely, or yours affectionately. and sign.
- Same way learn how to thank the guests ,
- for their coming and gracing the function, and for their gifts.
- end it in the same way
- Thanks a lot for you kind presence,
- yours affectionately or yours sincerely.
Facts about Dolphins
- Click these links and know more about Dolphins.
- Do Dolphins lay eggs like the hen and the snakes?
- yes or no.
- How do they get babies?
- Read and find out.
- Why are they like human beings?
- Find out.
- Are they land animals or sea animals?
- Find the correct answer.
- How do they use their flippers?
- What are flippers?
- Are they intelligent?
- Why do you think so?
- Can they breathe under water?
- Are they wild or loving animals?
- Why do you think they are loving animals?
- Have you visited any Dolphin show?
What is an Earthquake?and Save yourself????
- Excellent article on this for kids and even for adults and all.
Friday, April 24, 2015
- Crayons,crayons,
- My dad's gift
- Was a box of crayons.
- Red, blue, yellow and green.
- Orange, pink, purple.
- Black and white too.
- Black I use for hairs,
- Green I use for leaves,
- Brown and black I use
- For barks and branches.
- Red and pink I use
- For flowers.
- Blue I use
- For the sky and the ponds.
- I like only the dark colors
- Like red, blue and green.
- I love my crayons.
- I thank my dad.
- I will not write on our walls
- And make them dirty.
Monsoons of India
- When does the monsoon come to India?
- After the heat and dust of summer.
- What does it bring?
- It brings with it rain,thunder and lightning.
- What happens to the earth?
- It cools down with the rain.
- Is it the right time for farming?
- yes.
- What can you see on the earth?
- Some small plants coming out of wet earth.
- They have bright and tiny green leaves.
- What do the birds do?
- You can see many small baby birds in their nest chirping and calling their mom to feed them.
- Frogs croak and crickets join them in the chorus.
- The rain falling on the roofs makes a nice rhyming sound.
- Don't say you have no time for these pretty things.
- South west monsoon brings havoc with floods.
- North East monsoon uproots trees.
- Water, water, water everywhere.
- We cry because we don't do Rain Harvest.
- In summer, our water needs increase.
- We must not waste water.
The River and the Sea.
- I am Ganga.(the Ganges)
- I start from Gangotri in Himalayas.
- Hima means snow.
- The snow melts and we start as a droplet.
- All of us join together and we become a stream.
- We flow from high level to low level.
- We join together and make a river.
- You call us by different names.
- I have tributaries who fill my stomach.
- I sometimes overflow.
- I cross the borders and the banks.
- My aim ,goal,target and destination is the sea.
- I run as fast as I can to join my partner the Sea.
- In my case ,I join the Bay of Bengal.
- I make fertile all the lands.
- Please don't pollute me.
- Make me remain as pure as I am.
- King Bhagirat of Raghu dynasty brought me on the earth.
- I am the wife of Lord Siva.
- You can find me on his head.
- Are you in your house? In
- What is inside this box? inside
- Is the box near the table? near
- What is beside the box? beside
- Who is standing behind the table? behind
- Are you standing in front of the mirror? in front of
- Who is looking at the mirror? at
- What is under the carpet? under
- Is your house made by a carpenter? by
- Is the hospital opposite to the park? opposite
- Is this for me? for
- Are you coming from space? from
- Are you going to Mumbai? to
- The show is on. On
- The pen is on the table. on
- Why are you standing out? out
- What goes in must go out. in/out
- What goes up will always come down. up/down.
- With whom are you going to India? with
- Is this for you? for
- Is this made of gold? of
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Observe.listen and learn
- Learn, learn and learn these and understand.
- Your doubts will vanish.
- I am, I have, I do.
- We are, we have, we do,
- You are, you have, you do,
- You all are, you have, you do,
- They are , they have, they do.
- Remember the verb changing in the THIRD PERSON only.
- i.e., He, She and It.
- Always say:I am good. I am fine. I can learn. I will learn and I must learn and it is POSSIBLE.
- Read, understand, analyse, revise and review.
- Learn at least 10 words daily.
- Use your friend the Dictionary.
- Know the spelling,pronunciation, meanings, how is it is used in a particular sentence, try to use that word in yoru daily conversation and writing.
- Observe,listen and learn, Say it is possible.
- Don't say I tells .it is I tell only.
- Don't say : my mother take. it is takes.
- Don't say: they likes. it is like only.
- Don't say: my brothers likes. it is like only.
- TRy to remember this:
- I go, we go, you go, he goes, she goes, it goes and they go.
- learn from a good dictionary the conjugation of all verbs:
- To try, try,tried,tried, tries, trying.
- To cry, cry, cried, cried, cries, crying.
- TRY, try and try and don't cry.
- Try again , again and again until you GAIN.
- Ask always Am I going in the right direction.
- Stop ,think and proceed.
- Practising any art will make you more perfect.
- Sleeping at night soundly is a good thing.
- Sleeping in the class is not good at all.
- cleaning your room is a must.
- Watching the right programmes is good for you.
- Feeding the poor is good.
- Keeping things in the proper places will save your time and energy.
- Always say:I am good. I am fine. I can learn. I will learn and I must learn and it is POSSIBLE.
- Read, understand, analyse, revise and review.
- Learn at least 10 words daily.
- Use your friend the Dictionary.
- Know the spelling,pronunciation, meanings, how is it is used in a particular sentence, try to use that word in yoru daily conversation and writing.
A small story for you?
- Who was Tom?
- He was a small boy.
- What did he find one day?
- A puppy dog.
- What did he do?
- He brought it home.
- What did he ask his mother?
- "Can I keep it,mom?"
- " No." said his mother.
- Why did his mother agree afterwards?
- Because the puppy was very cute and
- It needed more care and attention.
- She told Tom," we can keep it until it grows into a dog."
- Years went by.
- One day the dog was missing.
- They searched for it everywhere.
- Finally one day it came back.
- They missed the dog very much.
- Then the dog was with them for another 5 years.
- Tom left for London.
- He missed the dog and the dog also missed him too.
More Simple Grammar
- What's a sentence?
- A sentence is a group of words which makes complete sense.
- What are there in a sentence?
- The subject and the predicate.
- What is a subject? It tells who and what is the noun .
- What is a predicate? It tells about who or what the subject does.
- Example: The dog barks.
- subject: dog predicate .barks.
- This sentence is complete.Why?
- It tells about the animal dog and what it does.
- The Man thinks. Subject : the man, predicate thinks.
- The river flows. Subject: the river, predicate flows.
- Taj Mahal is in Agra. Taj Mahal subject is in Agra. predicate.
- Subject talks about the person,place,thing or animal.
- Predicate tells about what the subject does or is.
- NOTE:Every sentence must start with a Capital letter.
- Example: Lion is the king of the forest.
- When the sentence ends do not forget to put the full-stop.
- Jeeven Ratna apartments are near Krishna theatre.
- There are 30 apartments in that building.
- My friend lives in that place.
- He stays in the fifth floor.
- His flat number is 5B
- We , our family go there every Sunday.
- We join and give company.
- Then we all go out to a restaurant .
- Then we all go to a movie.
- We go by our car.
- They come with their car.
- We have a big car.
- They also have a car but it is bigger.
- Why don't you go together and save petrol?
- Sorry! We didn't think about that.
- Thanks for your suggestion.
- Are you happy? We use a question mark at the end of this.Why? because we are asking a question or about his condition.
- When do we use the exclamation mark!!!!!
- When we have to tell about the emotions and feelings
- May you have a nice time!!
- Long live Mahatma Gandhi!
- congrat! Hearty congratulations!
- Heartfelt condolences.
- It means that you were wishing for that thing NOT to happen.
- Every sentence must have the action word or the doing word or else it will not mean anything.
- The Camel. this is not complete.
- What does it do? Where is it?
- The Camel is the ship of the desert.
- Now this sentence is complete in every respect.
- All spiders have fangs and most kinds have poison glands. They use their fangs and poison glands to capture their food. A spider's bite can kill insects and other small animals. A few kinds of spiders are harmful to human beings. In North America, six kinds of spiders harm people, they are - the Brown Recluse, Sac, Black Widow, Brown Widow, Red-legged Widow and the Varied Widow. Four of the Widow females are known to bite humans. The bites of these six spiders often cause mild reactions. Usually a person irritates a spider several times for it to bite you. In Australia, the most dangerous spider is the Funnel-Web with the Red-back, a type of Black Widow spider, also being dangerous.
- I am the spider,
- You can see me
- In your house,
- In the roof corner,
- I build my own web,
- I do not pay any rent,
- I don't need sand and cement,
- I have in my mouth the thread,
- I can hang ,come down,
- I can climb on my thread,
- I rarely fall.
- Robert Bruce saw me,
- Trying to build my web,
- I failed 17 times,
- Then i succeeded to build.
- He learnt a lesson,
- Gathered his army,
- Attacked the intruder,
- And won his kingdom back.
- You have two legs,
- Ant has some legs,
- You count and find out,
- I can move in any direction
- With my flimsy legs.
- You don't allow me to stay
- In my house safely,
- For you think I spoil
- Your interior decoration.
- I get my food,
- When a fly or mosquito
- Gets trapped in my web.
my dear Ant

Male ants often have only one role—mating with the queen. After they have performed this function, they may die.
Ants communicate and cooperate by using chemicals that can alert others to danger or lead them to a promising food source.
They typically eat nectar, seeds, fungus, or insects. However, some species have diets that are more unusual.
Army ants may prey on reptiles, birds, or even small mammals.
1. Ants are capable of carrying objects 50 times their own body weight with their mandibles.
2. Soldier ants use their heads to plug the entrances to their nests and keep intruders from gaining access.
3. Certain ant species defend plants in exchange for food and shelter.
4. The total biomass of all the ants on Earth is roughly equal to the total biomass of all the people on Earth.
5. Ants sometimes herd or tend to insects of other species, like aphids or leafhoppers.
6. Ants will enslave other ants, keeping them captive and making them do work for the colony.
7. Ants lived alongside the dinosaurs
8. Ants started farming long before humans.
9. Some ants form "supercolonies," massive communities of ants that can stretch for thousands of miles.
10. Ants follow scent trails laid by scout ants to gather food.
Male ants often have only one role—mating with the queen. After they have performed this function, they may die.
Ants communicate and cooperate by using chemicals that can alert others to danger or lead them to a promising food source.
They typically eat nectar, seeds, fungus, or insects. However, some species have diets that are more unusual.
Army ants may prey on reptiles, birds, or even small mammals.
1. Ants are capable of carrying objects 50 times their own body weight with their mandibles.
2. Soldier ants use their heads to plug the entrances to their nests and keep intruders from gaining access.
3. Certain ant species defend plants in exchange for food and shelter.
4. The total biomass of all the ants on Earth is roughly equal to the total biomass of all the people on Earth.
5. Ants sometimes herd or tend to insects of other species, like aphids or leafhoppers.
6. Ants will enslave other ants, keeping them captive and making them do work for the colony.
7. Ants lived alongside the dinosaurs
8. Ants started farming long before humans.
9. Some ants form "supercolonies," massive communities of ants that can stretch for thousands of miles.
10. Ants follow scent trails laid by scout ants to gather food.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Sentence , phrase. some words
- In the morning. a group of words which is incomplete.
- We can all this as a phrase.
- The Sun rises. This is a sentence because it makes complete sense,
- The Sun rises in the morning.This sentence is also complete.
- What is a sentence?
- It is a group of words arranged in proper order to make complete sense.
- What is a phrase? a group of words but not with complete sense or meaning.
- Every sentence must start with a CAPITAL letter and must end with a full stop.
- A full stop . is there to show that sentence if finished and complete.
- If it is a question or interrogative you must end it with a question mark.
- What's your name? Why are you late?
- What is a verb? it is an action word or doing word of a sentence
- What does the Sun do? It rises in the morning.The word Rises is the verb.
- Verb is like a knot in any garland of flowers.Flowers are words.
- Without the knot ,no one can put the garland on anyone's neck or on his own neck.
- Have a nice day! Merry Christmas!congrats!
- ! is an Exclamation mark.
- The temple is on the top of that hill.
- It is very far from our house.
- Our house is very near our house and we go there by walk.
- They all live in apartments and flats but we live in a small house.
- My uncle has a big house in the city and a small house in his village.
Linking words and/or/but
- These words and/or/and but
- are used to join words or another part of a sentence.
- We can also include the words so, because and for too.
- I play cricket and Ram plays chess.
- Cricket is an outdoor game and Chess is an indoor game.
- I play basket ball but not that well.
- You or your son can come to the party.
- I say this to you.You can take it or leave it.
- You can either take it or leave it.
- I was raining so we took the umbrella.
- She was sick so she went to the hospital.
- I wanted to have all the Cadbury's chocolates for myself but I left a few for my younger brother.
- I cannot go out and play because all my friends have gone away.
- My mother told me to wear the new dress and go to the temple.
- I went to the mall and bought a new cycle.
- My father has taken the car so We cannot go out now.
- Can you watch the T.V. and also listen to the radio?
- He went to the office but the manager was not there.
- You must start now or you will miss the train.
- Because the weather is fine, we are going to OOTY.
- I had a cup of Horlicks because I was hungry.
- What shall I offer you? Tea or Coffee?
- Take bath daily and then go to school.
- I will do all your homework and you sleep nicely.
- If you don't do this now or else you will not reach there in time.
- I like her very much though she quarrels and fights with me a lot.
- You can now read this and note it.
- Watch T.v. or go to sleep.
- Don't sleep watching T.v
- Though I want to see the T.V. ,my mother switches it off.
- I bought some Parle's biscuits and I ate all of them on the way home.
- I was late for the class so the teacher made me to stand out for 5 minutes.
- My mother makes me clean my room because it is untidy.
- He worked till late because he had to finish it soon.
- We found the garden but the gate was closed.
- It was raining so we could not go out and play.
- The dog will not eat the grass and it will not allow the cow to eat.
- There are some people in this world who will not like to do it and they will not allow anyone else also to do it.
- Cricket, volleyball and badminton are outdoor games.
- Though this dog is very large ,it is very friendly.
- It wags it tail and starts licking my fingers.
- My mom or my dad will drop me at school.
- Though he is a small child, he has good manners.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
- My hairs are on my head.
- My forehead is above my eye-brows.
- My eyes are below my forehead,
- My nose is above my mouth.
- My ears are near my cheek.
- My nose is between my two eyes.
- My mouth is below my nose.
- My tongue is inside my mouth.
- My teeth are inside my mouth.
- My head is on my neck.
- I have a moustache in between my mouth and my nose.
- I keep all things outside on the table.
- They were inside the bag.
- I walk by my legs.
- I write with my hand.
- I see with my eyes.
- I smell with my nose.
- I hear with my ears.
- I bite with my teeth.
- I taste with my tongue.
- I eat with my mouth.
- My hairs are on my head.
- My forehead is above my eye-brows.
- My eyes are below my forehead,
- My nose is above my mouth.
- My ears are near my cheek.
- My nose is between my two eyes.
- My mouth is below my nose.
- My tongue is inside my mouth.
- My teeth are inside my mouth.
- My head is on my neck.
- I have a moustache in between my mouth and my nose.
- I keep all things outside on the table.
- They were inside the bag.
- I walk by my legs.
- I write with my hand.
- I see with my eyes.
- I smell with my nose.
- I hear with my ears.
- I bite with my teeth.
- I taste with my tongue.
- I eat with my mouth.
- Prepositions are words which are used before nouns to show where the persons or animals or things are:
- On,in,under, near, before, behind, up, down, above, below, beside, between, over,upon,in front of, inside,outside,out,through,by, of, at, with, among, to, during,from,
- What's on your hand? a parrot
- What do you do with it? I play.
- What is in your hand? An apple
- What is under the table? our pet dog.
- What is near the dog? the chair
- What is before the chair? a plate
- What is in the plate? milk
- Where is the milk? in the plate
- Where is the plate? behind the chair.
- Where is the chair? on the floor
- What does up and comes down? Blood pressure and the lift
- What is above? the sky
- What is below? the earth
- What is beside the moon? the star
- Which star is beside the moon? Rohini
- What is over your head? the fan.
- Which planet is between the Moon and the Sun? the Earth.
- What springs upon the lamb? The tiger./The wolf
- Who stands in front of the mirror all the time? only the beautiful girls.
- Where can we find all our mothers most of the time?mostly inside the kitchen.
- Where do all park their vehicles ? outside their houses.
- What goes up and comes down? the lift, the life, the ball and the kite
- Who goes out in the morning for a walk? My grand dad.
- What did you throw through the window? The papers.
- By whom is this world created? by the Almighty God.
- What is the pot made of? clay
- Who is the brother of Bharat? Ram
- Why are you laughing at me? because you are wasting your time.
- Who is coming with you? my aunt and her son.
- Who was the eldest among all brothers? RAM
- Where are you coming from? from Ashok Nagar
- Where are you going? I am going to R.S.Puram.
- What do you most during your holidays? Sleep,sleep and sleep.
- Which train is this? Chennai Express.
- Where is it coming from? Chennai
- Where is it going to? Coimbatore.
- I go from one lane to the other lane in search of food.Why?
- My master has driven me out of the house.
- Who throws stones at you? All the boys in the road.
Being, Having, and take+ing
- Are you having a head-ache?No.why should I?
- Because I am pestering /nagging you.
- Who is eating the apple? My son.
- Who is reading his lesson? Krishna
- What are they doing? running
- Who were mowing the lawn? My mother and my sister.
- Who are playing the violin? the students.
- Why are you hiding here? because my friends are looking for me.
- What are you doing here? I am waiting for my friend.
- Who is going there? Ram,Sita and Lakshman.
- What is going there? an elephant.
- Who are playing in the park? the children.
- Who is dusting that shelf? My mother
- Who is taking/having his dinner? My father.
- Who was having her lunch? My brother.
- Who is mopping the floor? The servant-maid
- Who is carrying the books? my mother.
- Who is going to the school? Myself.
- Why is she carrying the bag? because I am young.
- Because I am very lazy.
- Why are you pulling the door?to enter in the shop.
- Why are you pushing me? Because you don't move ahead.
- What is falling? the star.
- From where is it falling? from the sky
- What are twinkling in the sky? The stars.
- What is shining bright? The Sun.
- What are you seeing or watching? The T.v.
- Who are watching the cricket match? My friends and I.
- Who is bowling? Mr.Tendulkar.
- Who is batting? Mr.Kohli
- Who are fielding? The South-African team.
- Who is acting as the umpire? I don't know his name.
- Who is hitting the ball? the batsman.
- What is the ball doing? it is flying up in the sky.
- Who is showing the hand? The umpire.
- Who are trying to catch the ball? the two players.
Have/Had/Have had/Had had
- What do you have? a book.
- Don't you have cold? No.I don't have.
- Do you have a brother? yes/ NO.
- What did you have for break-fast? Yogurt
- Who has many books? my sister.
- What do they have? flower-pots
- What has he? a lot of home-work.
- When do you have a holiday? from next Monday.
- What has she ? head-ache
- Has she got time for rest? No. How can she have?
- Do you have a cosy bed? NO.Why do you ask?
- So that you can have complete rest.
- Have you had a good time? yes.
- What did she have yesterday? a test.
- What has mom with her tea? the biscuits
- Have you to go now itself? No. a little later.
- Who has a driving class? My son.
- Who had a driving test? His friend.
- Why does your brother never has time to study?
- Because he has lot of worries.
- What did she have? fever and cold.
- Does she have them now? No. She now has head-ache.
- What did you have for dinner? Puri and Bhaji.
- Did you have a practice in using Have and Had?
Learn the use of am,are,was,were
- What's this? a book
- What's that? a table
- Who is this?Ram
- Who is that?Sita
- Where am I? you are in the fruit.
- What am I? a seed.
- Where are you now? under the ground.
- Where were you before? in the fruit.
- What was in the seed? a plant.
- Where were the seeds? in the fruit.
- Who is your friend? Dinesh
- Where is he now? in the class.
- Who is his dearest friend? I am.
- Are you his only friend? No. He has many friends.
- How old were you when you first went to school? 5 years.
- What were in the garden? the plants and the flowers.
- Who were there? My mom and my aunty.
- What was the colour of his shirt? blue
- Where are they standing? in front of the theatre.
- Where are the children? in the school.
- What was he? a student.
- What is he now? an engineer.
- Who were hungry and angry? My sisters.
- Why were they so? Because they didn't get the break-fast.
- How old is your father? 52
- Why are the camels too tired? because they had a tough time in the desert.
- Who is the Prime Minister? Hon.Modi.
- Who was the Prime Minister? Hon.Man Mohan Singh.
- Who has a bat? Mr.Dhoni.
- Who had been to Australia? Mr. Kohli.
Monday, April 20, 2015
How to use Have,Has, had ???
- He has a dog.
- Who has a dog?
- Has he a dog?
- What does he have?
- I have a pen.
- What do I have?
- Have I a pen?
- Who has a pen?
- We have a garden.
- What do we have?
- Who has a garden?
- Have we a garden?
- You have a bag.
- Have you a bag?
- Who has a bag?
- What do you have?
- You all have books.
- Have you all, books?
- Have you all books?
- Have all of you books?
- He has a brother.
- Who has a brother?
- Has he a brother?
- What does he have?
- Does he have a brother?
- She has a pet.
- What does she have?
- Has she a pet?
- Who has a pet?
- It has a tail.
- What does it have?
- Does it have a tail?
- Has it a tail?
- They have children.
- What do they have?
- Have they children?
- Who has children?
- To have, have, had, had, has, having.
- Some are rich and many are poor.
- A few have cars and many of two-wheelers.
- A little water is in the bottom of the jug.
- There is little water in the pond and it is dry.
- I have a pen.What does this mean?
- The pen belongs to me and I own it.
- Do you have cold?
- I have fever and cold as well.
- Don't you see I am suffering from cold and fever?
- We have a meeting this evening.
- What does this mean? some are going to meet and talk about something. There is going to be a talk.
- Did you have your breakfast?
- Have you had your breakfast?
- The above two sentences mean:
- Did you eat your breakfast?
- Have you a computer? yes.I have,
- Do you have many periods? No. Only a few.
- Who has a flat?
- He has a lot of work to do.
- Who has a head-ache?Not I.He has.
- I have a car now.
- I had a scooter last year.
- I had a cycle before.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
English/Hindi/Tamil for a CHANGE.
- May I know your name please?
- Aapka Shub naam kya hai?
- unga payer enna?
- Where are you going now?
- Aap abhi kahan jaa rahen hein?
- Neenga ippo engeh poreenga?
- What's special there today?
- Aaj udher kya vishesh hai?
- Innikki angeh enna vishesum?
- There is a drama.
- yake natak /drama hai.
- oru nadagam nadakkudhu.
- When?
- Kub?
- eppo?
- What Drama is that?
- wus natak kownsa hai?
- adhu enna drama?
- MOOL Nakshatra.
- mool nakshtra
- mool nakshatram
- At what time?
- at 6.30 p.m.
- kabhi? 6.30 p.m. saade chay bajeh
- aaroo arai manikku..
- 6.30 manikku
- Have you seen this drama before?
- aapneh yeh natak dekhey hein kya?
- neenga indha drama vai parthu irukkeengala?
- oh.yes.
- haan,
- aamaam.
- What's the story about?
- Kownsa kahani per.
- enna kadhai?
- Social
- social/ samaj ka, society kaa
- samoogam/ social
- How was the drama?
- natak kaisa thaa?
- nadagum eppadi irundhadhu?
- Very nice.
- bahuth achcha thaa.
- romba nalla irundhudhu.
- What is special in that?
- usmeh kya visheshtha thaa?
- Adhuleh appadi enna vishesham?
- One young man marries a young girl born in moola nakshatra.
- yake nowjawan jiskee nakshtra/thaare mool thaa.
- oru valiban oru moolam nakshtrathu ponnai kalyanam pannikkiraan.
- Is there anything wrong in getting married ?
- aisay shaadi karnah kuch galath hai kya?
- ippadi kalyanam panradhu thappa ,enna?
- Whose acting did you like very much?
- kiska acting appko bahuth achcha laga?
- yaroda acting ungalukku romba pidichadhu?
- The Priest's acting.
- woh mandhir ka pandit kaa.
- koil pujariyodhu.
- Why?
- kyoon?
- yane?
- He not only did pooja. He believed that God will take care of all his problems.
- wo khali/sirf pooja naheen kiya.Wo Baghwan kay upar barosa raka.
- owr Bhagwan hee wuso sub museebhathonsay bachayega.
- Avar Poojai mathrum pannallai.Andavan/kadawul mayleh nambikkai vachchar. Kadawul avaroda ella problethaiyaum solve pannuwarunnu.
- Did God solve his problems?
- Bhagwan wuska samasya solve kiya kya?
- Kadawul avaroda problem ellam solve pannaraa?
- Yes.
- haan.
- aaammaam.
- Why did you like that drama?
- aapp ko wo natak kyoon ithna pasandh aaya?
- yane ungalukku andha natagum romba pidichudhu?
- You know why? because there was no murder, no fighting, no beating, no killing, no shooting and no raping.
- aapko woh kyoon pasandh aaaya?
- kyoonki usmaeh baladhkar naheen thaa, murder,shooting,raping,
killing and beating naheen thay. - yenna adhuleh murder ,shooting,raping,beating,kolai idhu ellaam llai.
- And What more?
- owr kya?
- innum enna?
- you do your duty properly.God will take care of everything.
- Thum thumhara kaam sub teak karo, Bhagwan thumhara kyaal rakeygaa.
- Un velaiyai nee sariyaa /olungaa seyy. kadawul unnai pathukkuwaar.
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