Smile,laugh and enjoy

Smile,laugh and enjoy
Life is worth living

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Degrees of Comparison

  1. There are  3 degrees of comparison.
  2. Positive:
  3. Very few cities in India are as populous  as Mumbai.
  4. He runs as fast as a deer.
  5. No other animal can catch any prey as fast as the tiger.
  6. Nothing is so important as character.
  7. My pencil is not so sharp as yours.
  8. He is as tall as his brother.
  9. No other street is as busy as Oppanakkara  street.
  10. Very few persons are as helpful as Sundar.
  11. This room is as comfortable as that one.
  12. Very few people  in this world are as industrious as the Japanese.
  13. Very few mobile phones in this shop are as expensive as this one.
  14. Walking is as healthy as swimming.
  15. Your choice is as good as mine.
  16. Not many saints  are as kind as Joseph.
  17. Stephen drives as fast as Roque.
  18. No other road is as narrow as this road.
  19. Apples are not as sweet as mangoes.
  20. Very few students are as attentive as Priyanka.
  21. Very few candidates were selected so easily as John.
  22. The servant is  as capable as the master.
  23.  Very few teachers  are as good as Mr. Kalam in guiding.
  24. Comparative Degree:
  25. The menu in this restaurant is better than in any other restaurant.
  26. The new waiters  are better than old waiters.
  27. The cream cake is more expensive than the plain cake.
  28. It is getting harder and harder to find an inexpensive hotel.
  29. The prices of vegetables are going higher and higher than the cost of sugar.
  30. Air-conditioners are becoming more expensive.
  31. Here in this showroom  the shorter the queue the faster will be the service.
  32. It is more expensive to buy a car than buying a scooter.
  33. Cakes are softer than cookies.
  34. His signature has more valuable than hers.

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